Program & Curriculum Development
Each instructional service offered through the Military School Districts’ Cooperative Special Education Department has been designed to provide instruction in the TEKS to the maximum extent appropriate for each student. Where an identified disability renders some or all of the TEKS inappropriate for a particular student, instruction is specially designed based on the student’s abilities.
The curriculum in the Military School Districts’ Cooperative enables each student with disabilities to acquire knowledge and skills in the basic areas of learning commensurate with the student’s needs and abilities. These skills may be attained in the general program of instruction, a program of special education instruction, or a combination as determined by the ARD/IEP committee.
Students with disabilities in the Military School Districts’ Cooperative have available an instructional day commensurate with that of students without disabilities. The ARD/IEP committee determines the appropriate instructional setting and length of day for each individual student (if different), and these are specified in the student’s individual educational plan.
Participation of Students with Disabilities in General Education Program
In providing programs, services, and activities for students with disabilities, the Military School Districts’ Cooperative first uses those resources made available to all students. To the maximum extent appropriate:
1. Students with disabilities, including those in public or private institutions or other care facilities, are educated with individuals who are not disabled;
2. Students with disabilities are removed from the regular classroom only when the nature and severity of the disability is such that education in the regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily;
3. A continuum of alternative placements to meet the individual needs of the student with a disability for special education and related services, including instruction in regular classes, special classes, special schools, home instruction, and instruction in hospitals or institutions, is provided to the extent necessary to implement the student’s IEP;
4. Supplementary services (such as resource room or itinerant instruction) are provided in conjunction with regular classroom placement;
5. A student with a disability is educated in the school that he/she would attend if not disabled unless the IEP of the student requires some other arrangement. In such a case, the student’s placement is as close as possible to his/her home;
6. Opportunities to participate with students without disabilities in non-academic or extracurricular activities on a regular basis are provided;
7. Any harmful effects on the individual or the quality of services needed are considered in selecting the least restrictive environment;
8. Educational placement decisions for individual students are made on an annual basis, based on an individualized education program (IEP).
Special Education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a student with a disability, and/or instruction, provided in a special education program or general education setting with modification, special education support, supplementary aids and services or other arrangements as needed to meet individual student needs.